
Do you ever find yourself marveling at vast landscapes? I did so with photos and pictures growing up, and find myself lucky enough to do so in person now when collecting plants across North America for botanical research. It’s difficult to beat standing at a peak of a mountain, looking at the outstretched landscape, and thinking how amazing the world is – being in awe of how plants have come to cover the landscape in the geographic patterns they now display. How did geological factors and ecological interactions impact the when and how of plant movement? How do they continue to do so today? How is it that some plant species in one part of the world are also found in other parts of the world, but no where in between? What is the interplay between geographic distributions and evolutionary processes?

My goals as a researcher stem from my curiosity embedded in these questions. I conduct research on North American disjunct plants using  tools from molecular phylogenomics, comparative multi-omics, phylogeography, biogeography, and population genetics. I am interested in fundamental questions of biogeography as well as variation in plant traits that can arise across space. Feel free to browse my website to learn more about me, my goals, and opportunities to work with me.